As the Tables Turn

As the Tables Turn

It’s draft day, 1983 and my team is first on the clock.  I have some very tough decisions to make. But this is no NFL draft.  It’s nothing close to college or even high school.  I’m picking teams for a pickup Nerffootball game with a bunch of elementary-aged boys...
The Perfect Fit

The Perfect Fit

It’s 10 am on a November morning and Barb and I are headed out to Mudpuddle Pottery in Pegram, TN to sell some pottery at a holiday craft fair.  Our pots, mugs, masks, and sculptures are neatly packed.  As we head down the driveway, Barb mentions we needs to stop at...
The New Year from Hell

The New Year from Hell

2022 started off great.  We did our first family vacation since the kids were well, kids.  The four of us did an all-inclusive for a week in January in Jamaica and truly had our best time together. And it just kept getting better.  While waiting in the security line...
The Hash Browns That Saved Christmas

The Hash Browns That Saved Christmas

The only place worse to be than Times Square on New Year’s Eve, is Christmas Eve at the Dickson, TN Walmart.  And here I am. It’s about 7:30 pm on Christmas Eve, 2014 and the store is absolutely packed.  I’m waiting in a long checkout line holding a frozen bag of...
The Best and Worst Christmas of All Time

The Best and Worst Christmas of All Time

It’s 6:00 AM in early 1987 and I’m getting dressed for work.  I’ve just come back from 45 days of Christmas leave and it’s my first day back on the job. Except that my uniform no longer fits. Now I’m in trouble. Christmas, 1986 was one for the ages.  My first wife and...
Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom

Knowledge + Experience = Wisdom

“Mr. Munro,” the receptionist says, startling me out of my mental preparation. “He’s ready for you.” I stand up and follow her into a large office.  It’s game time. It’s December 22, 1998, and I’m interviewing for my first post-Navy job. It’s for a leadership...