It Wasn’t Because of Football

Two hours before kickoff, I’m getting amped up for the game.  Back in Black by AC/DC is playing, and I can feel the rush of adrenaline and a little rage. This is the first game of the season.  But it’s not my season.  It’s my son’s.  He’s sleeping soundly in the back...
Just a Little Encouragement

Just a Little Encouragement

I’m sorting through a plastic bag filled with old papers, booklets, brochures, newspaper clippings, and photos.  My eyes are watering, not because anything is sentimental, but because it’s so dusty. This is a bag of Malcolm’s Greatest Hits according to my mom.  She...
I Can Do This

I Can Do This

It’s 4:00 in the afternoon and I’m standing in a long line of people waiting for a ride.  It’s noisy and chaotic.  I’m just excited to be heading home. My driver’s name is Shirley and she’s picking me up in a green Ford truck. Everyone around me is finding their ride...
My Own Kind of Hat

My Own Kind of Hat

I’m writing this on an early Sunday morning on a plane heading over to Albuquerque, NM.   I’ll be speaking at the state HR conference there this week. This was the other drawing I did while waiting out the storm in Houston on Sunday.   You might be familiar with...
There’s More Than Enough for All of Us

There’s More Than Enough for All of Us

For some reason, this year I’ve rediscovered a passion for Jujyfruit.  Maybe it’s those fond memories of sneaking a box into movie theaters as a kid.  Maybe it’s how they make you drool like a dog when you get a mouthful in.  It’s my new guilty pleasure. Except that...